Friday, February 3, 2012

About Me, Sarah (the Frummie Foodie)

Hi.  So, this is me.

I'm Sarah.

Profession: full time Mommy.

Hobbies: finding delicious looking/sounding recipes and making them, which at times takes some creativity since some of said recipes are very very treif to begin with.  Oh ya, that's another thing about me - I'm an ultra-orthodox Jew which means I keep strictly kosher.  I was not raised orthodox though which means I remember things from my treif days like burritos from Chipotle  and Olive Garden bread sticks.  I have therefore made it my mission to reinvent some of my favorites.  I think I have a pretty good handle on Chipotle - the secret is in the green tobasco. ☺

Another thing you should know about me is that I am a strict vegetarian. (Ok, if you ask my husband I am a strict pescitarian, but who's counting?)  I have been a vegetarian since 2002.  Yes, I've had meat before.  No, I don't miss it or crave it.  After two years of marriage, though, my wonderful husband realized that he did miss and crave meat. So to show him how much I love him, I finally broke down and made him meat for the first time about 6 months ago.  Now I make him chicken and occasionally red meat for most Shabbos meals.

This has actually turned out to be a good diet for me since then I just eat salad.  So, he's happy cause he gets meat and I'm happy cause the scale shows me a nicer number on Sunday morning than in the past. ☺

I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I have!

Note that in most cases the recipes are not mine. though in many cases I have adapted the recipes so that they will be kosher.  I will always let you know where I got the original recipe from and provide a link if possible.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very much looking forward to seeing what you post. And I had *no* idea that you were a vegetarian. Look at that! Learning new things each day. :)
